Partnership Success
Published:27 February 2025
Making Successful Partnerships Work
Raeburn Training
Raeburn Training have worked with the Employability team based within Fife Council's Midfield Skills Development Centre over the last 5 years and from June 2022 they also became tenants of the centre. This collaboration was centred primarily on supporting individuals living locally gain comprehensive vocational training and involves supporting young people and those in long-term unemployment gain industry focused training, this complimented the support of the Fife Council Employability Teams who facilitate candidates moving into work placements and permanent roles. Training support is either structured on a case-by-case basis or is structured in the form of training academies, which are bespoke training solutions that take place over several weeks designed to meet the needs of key industry sectors. Raeburn Training works closely with the Employability Teams to ensure that each programme is designed to the needs of the candidates, employers, and wider industry and has included sectors such as construction, civils, utilities, manufacturing, forestry, hospitality and care.
The move onto the Midfield Training campus has generated a number of benefits for both parties. As well as allowing the relationship to grow between the Employability Team and Raeburn Team fostering closer communication and collaboration, links with the existing Fife Council training teams have also deepened. Raeburn Training offer more than 150 courses from their own instructors but also operate as a one stop shop offering clients access to a wider range of courses, presently over 400 via other training providers. Fife council's training team has also become a supplier of Raeburn Training and is now an established income stream which allows the partnership to be mutually beneficial.
Understanding the employability landscape is important to Raeburn Training, who are on panel with a range of employability funders over Eastern Central Scotland and therefore understand the dynamics at both a national and regional levels. Working collaboratively with key stakeholders including industry groups, Fife Voluntary Action, SDS, local colleges, business groups and the DYW creates a strong network for supporting this sector both now and adapting to future skills needs. This collaboration initiative is at the forefront of Community Wealth Building Forming as Raeburn Training and Fife Council strive to create a safer and more skilled workforce in Fife, finding positive destinations for all those engaged with the service. They look forward to continuing to work together.
If you are an employer or one of our Service Directorates, we can support you for recruitment, we can help promote additional jobs, Modern Apprenticeships and provide support on multiple fronts. For eligible clients there may be funding support available. If you would like more information, drop us an email at –